Why Does The Cost Of SEO Vary So Much From One Location To Another?

If you are new to the search engine optimization game and you’ve been shopping around and exploring your options, you’ve probably noticed a lot of disparity in pricing between one location and another. So much so that it can make settling on an SEO company that you can trust incredibly difficult.

So, where does one begin? And why does the cost of SEO vary so much – particularly from one location to another? Read on and we’ll take a closer look…

Which factors impact the cost of SEO services?

It’s not just location that can impact the cost of SEO services. In fact, there are many different factors that will impact the overall cost, which is why you’ve likely had so many mixed quotations.

  • The size and quality of your website / scope of your campaign: let’s say a fellow business owner you know was quoted x by an SEO agency; then you inquired and they came back with (a much larger) X. The important thing to remember is that in this case, they likely aren’t trying to ‘rip you off’, but are simply quoting you more because of the size and quality of your website.
  • If more work needs to be done to optimise your site and start climbing the rankings, the cost will reflect that.
  • Industry competition: another huge factor in pricing is competition. If you are in a highly competitive industry and you want to start out-ranking your competitors, there will be an awful lot of work involved. As such, not only will you invariably have to invest more money into your campaign – but time as well. Smaller niches tend to get faster results for less. In any case, that doesn’t make SEO any less worthwhile for businesses in competitive industries.
  • Experience and reputation: some SEO companies can charge whatever they like because they have the experience, expertise, and reputation to justify it. The fact is, if an SEO company consistently delivers exceptional results for their clients, thus making them tons of money online, then a higher price tag is almost certainly justified.
  • The cost of running a business: another factor is the size of the SEO company – and indeed where they are located. You can expect a solo SEO consultant in India to charge less than a 50-man SEO company with much larger business expenses (which is why many believeofficeless businesses’ are the future).
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Shop on reputation

While you need to be realistic about what you can afford to pay for SEO in the short term, you also need to think about the long-term benefits of investing in a reputable New York City SEO company with a proven track record for delivering exceptional results.

As they say: “You’ve got to speculate to accumulate.” However, when looking for an SEO provider, if you shop on reputation and settle on an agency that can share multiple case studies and dozens of positive reviews from previous and existing clients, then you’ll likely be onto a winner!

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