The concept of running a self-managed super fund (SMSF) for retirement benefits has gained much popularity recently due to the flexibility that it gives to the owner. With an SMSF, you handle all aspects of the fund and can thus choose your investments and insurance as you see fit.

Without a doubt, control is the number one reason why many choose to set up an SMSF. For a select few, it could also be due to unreliable advice from a financial planner, which makes them want to provide fund advice instead.

What Can You Get From Taking an SMSF Course?

Setting up an SMSF comes with responsibilities and knowledge on things like creating investment strategies and addressing insurance needs. It can be challenging to learn on your own, so enrolling in an SMSF course can help you get started with your plans.

These courses are designed to help trustees provide solutions for SMSFs and financial advisers expand their knowledge and client base by offering advice on SMSFs.

For more concrete benefits, here are some takeaways that you may get from signing up for a course. With nearly 600,000 SMSFs in Australia, it is clear that these fund types are growing steadily over the years.

You Get From Taking an SMSF Course?

Expert Advice

Accredited SMSF institutions are connected to leading experts who can give you unmatched advice and knowledge on running an SMSF. Having access to this information is extremely valuable since you can hear about it from people who have firsthand experience running and managing funds. With their help, you can learn more about becoming an SMSF adviser and get tips that may be applicable for newcomers in the industry.

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Course Materials

By enrolling in an SMSF course, you get access to a plethora of course materials offered by the educational institution. From modules to webinars to videos, you will be provided with several learning materials to ensure you cover all the important bases.

Given that the institutions providing SMSF courses must have some form of accreditation or recognition, you can be assured that their resources will equip you with the required knowledge to become an SMSF adviser.

Flexible Learning

Many SMSF courses are conducted online, providing you with tons of flexibility with learning. Typically, the way it works is that you will be given all the course materials, which you can then go through at your preferred pace.

However, you will still be guided by professional trainers along the way, so you can always contact them if you run into problems understanding a particular lesson.


Similar to most other classes, SMSF courses will come with assessments to help you get a better understanding of your lessons. These may be in the form of quizzes, case studies, or short questions to gauge your learning and help you apply your knowledge.

With these assessments, you can test yourself to see if you still need in-depth understanding on specific parts of the course. They serve as a chance for you to work on areas of improvement, so you can be sure to end the course feeling prepared to give advice!

Client Scenarios

Modern-designed courses now utilize a unique scenario-based approach to teaching. With this method, you put yourself in the shoes of an SMSF adviser and walk through different client scenarios to understand what you can expect in the real world.


These simulations are perfect avenues for you to apply the skills and knowledge you learn with your course material. They also give you a glimpse of what it will be like once you become an adviser yourself.

Author Bio:

Alison Lurie is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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