5 Tips For Heading Back To The Office

The old way of life is slowly beginning to return, and a lot of us are gearing up to leave our work-from-home environments to head back into the office.

5 Tips For Heading Back To The Office

While it can be nice to gain this familiar sense of normality, it can also be a bit nerve-racking. If you’re worried about your transition back to the office, these tips will help get your groove back:

1. CBD Products


We all know how stressful office environments can be. First, there’s the work itself. Second, there’s having to socialize with your coworkers and staff on the daily basis. Lastly, and most importantly, we’re all trying to adjust to a return to office life after a long period of working from home. If you’re feeling nervous about returning to the office, we definitely understand your concerns.

Fortunately, there’s a great solution that’s been shown to help with anxiety and nerves: CBD. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound that’s found in the hemp plant. Acting as a natural remedy, CBD is helps to alleviate stress, helps ease anxiety and nerves, and assists with pain relief. You can find CBD products in a variety of forms, such as capsules, gummies, oils, and tinctures. These ways are all especially convenient for office use!

If you’re interested in trying out CBD products for your return back to the office, check out this Medterra coupon. Medterra is one of the best CBD companies that holds high standards and has the best practices in sourcing their hemp products. You can test out some of the highest-quality CBD products and save a few coins by using a coupon. Of course, anyone using CBD products for the first time should always speak to a doctor about possible side effects and proper dosage.

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2. Comfortable Clothes

There are a lot of things you can control to adapt to your work environment. One of those ways, however, is not the temperature of the building you’re working out of. Even on a hot, sunny day, frigid AC temperatures can still prove to become uncomfortable.

In this case, it’s essential to have some light outerwear to throw on so you won’t be shivering at your desk. Considering that it’s still summer, you don’t want to bundle completely up, or else you’ll be sweating on your way to the office. A good alternative would be to keep petite jackets, light sweaters, or blazers at your desk. This is an easy and efficient way to adjust to any uncomfortable temperatures while returning to in-person work.

3. Desk Plants

A little green can brighten up any scene. There are several benefits for having indoor plants, including improved concentration and increased productivity. Not only will having a desk plant inspire you to work more efficiently, but they are pretty gorgeous to admire. A small spider or ethos plant will make a small but mighty impact on you work desk.

4. Essential Oils


They’re not called essential oils for no reason. The benefits these oils can provide are truly essential. They help to relieve stress, assist with increasing focus, and help to give necessary bursts of energy. If you’re looking for the perfect first purchase when it comes to oils, a good trio to select is peppermint, orange, and eucalyptus.

To use essential oils, you can simply dab a bit of the oil onto your wrists or necks to breathe into at various points of the day. If you’d rather smell the fragrances more consistently, you can also bring an oil diffuser to use. A small one is preferable, as it can sit on the corner of your desk.

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5. Taking Breaks


One of the most important tips we can offer you during this transition is to give yourself a lot of grace. If you find yourself having trouble adjusting back to office life, don’t be too hard on yourself and certainly don’t overextend yourself. Instead, recognize the power in taking breaks. Leave your desk at least once a day and take a refreshing walk outside (if the weather permits). If you’d rather not walk, give your eyes a break from the screen and try a short meditation or flip through a book instead.

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