SEO VS SMO VS SMM want know about major difference in detail. You want the knowledge to distinguish between SEO (search engine optimization) VS SMO (Social media optimization) VS SMM (Social Media Marketing). Some of us want to know SEO, SMM, SMO in a detailed manner. We need to know complete information and understand before we start working on it.

In this generation, you are marketing through the digital way, engaging very fastly on the Internet. Digital marketing growing very fast on the Internet. search engine results and social media marketing needs to study complete by analysis to beat the competition


Search Engine Optimization is improving the search engine rankings of a website, which gives it more visibility and drive you more traffic. SEO consists of meta description, keywords, meta tags, content, keywords in title are used for ON-page optimization website. Increasing the speed and performance at which it loads on desktop and mobile devices.

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The optimizing website can do in various ways. We choose only two ways by following guidelines of webmaster. Seo techniques are On-Page optimization, Off-page optimization, White Hat Seo technique, Black Hat Seo technique.

On-page Optimization

Every website need to start optimizing from on-page so it can help in basic SEO and keyword analysis. On-page consist of the Title tag, Meta description, Meta tags, Meta keywords, and Image Tags.

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There should be particular keyword density ratio of 3-4%. The website should consist of keywords in the text, keywords in H1, H2, H3 tags, Hyperlinks, Image description. A few more to consider in on-page is Breadcrumbs, Sitemap, w3code validation, internal links, outbound links.

See also  What Are Keywords in SEO?

Off-Page Optimization:

Building backlinks from relevant webpages and websites. Backlinks from social media, other websites, directory submission, business page, etc.… make you include in the keyword in the backlinks. They help you in bringing the traffic from that network. They are not going to help you in page ranking, backlink.

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White hat SEO and Black hat SEO techniques used when webpages and websites are downgraded from other authority sites. We highly recommended you to follow only ON-page and OFF-page in the SEO techniques.

SMO (Social Media Optimization)

The Internet is the universal need for every person in the world. Internet reached every corner of the world. On the Internet, social media platforms are kings in the world.


Every corner piece of information that can go viral in social media give you a lot of support and freedom to express to reach every corner of the world. Social media is a platform for every person to share information, enjoy the newsfeed, follow the inspired people and brand pages, form the communities and groups to share information.

Social media Optimizing is the process of participating in the social media network by creating accounts and pages for increasing the brand awareness on social media platform about products/business/category. It can attract millions of audiences in the network. For example, if you are having the business and easy way to grab the attention of millions of followers by creating the page on the social media platform. People in the social network can share the page along with information in their profiles. SMO is the simplest way to attract millions of people in every corner of the world without spending a penny for promotion. It helps you to generate traffic to the website.

See also what is domain authority is domain-authority-worthworking-on for-seo

SMM(Social Media Marketing)

Promote page or brand or profile in the social media channels and bring millions of people attending in website or brand. Social media marketing helps you to spread the information very fast goes virally in seconds.

Image result for SMM(Social Media Marketing)

SMM is the best way to increase brand awareness by creating ads in the newsfeed, page promotion, conversions, lead generation. Social media marketing gives a lot of information about yourself and competition in the social media platform.

Social Media Marketing should know about creating ads and lead generation, awareness, conversion. Social media marketing helps in every way to raise traffic and sales on the website or business.

Simple Table to explain about SEO VS SMO VS SMM

Traffic Organic Organic Paid
Benefits Long-term Long-term Short-term
Optimization via Sharing relevant information Visual appeal and relevant, information Engaging ads, visually attractive advertisements
Platforms GOOGLE, BING, YAHOO and other Search engines FB, TWITTER, LINKEDIN,




Here we have let us explain in detail about SEO VS SMM VS SMM.

Seo- search engine optimization through the keywords and phrases for particular website raising in the search engine ranking by changing the quality and quantity on the website and webpages. SMM -social media marketing is increasing the awareness, conversions, and lead generation in the websites by creating attractive visual ads in the social media network.

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There are so many social media networks like FB, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Quora etc… SMO- Social media optimization is the optimization of social media pages, groups, communities, and profiles. Social media optimization has so many things posts, a news feed, likes, comments, poke, followers, shares, posts status, tags, and pages, etc…. this is things optimization can in SMO.

Paid or investment in SMO, SMM is an easy thing, but before investing the money, we should know the complete details about the Creation ads, visually attractive, eye-catching in the news feed. Study everything in the creation of ads. Every penny is valuable and uses it wisely in marketing.

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