Toppers Read These Best Books To Clear LIC AAO Exam

There is no substitute for good books when it comes to cover the entire LIC AAO Syllabus in a better way. LIC stands for Life Insurance Corporation responsible to conduct the Recruitment Of Assistant Administrative Officer. Many aspirants want to kick off their career in this field under this company.

As we all know that Life Insurance Corporation Of India is regarded as being the largest insurance company all across the country and that is why youth has always been fascinating towards getting hired into this company. Hiring into this company means, you will be having a handsome LIC ADO Salary. If you have been waiting to kick off your career in the banking and insurance sector, this is worth to choose.

Let’s check out what books toppers choose to do their preparation excellently.

Reasoning Ability – Toppers Recommend These 4 Best Books For LIC AAO

If you go with ideal books, you are in the right way in respect of preparation. The Reasoning Ability section could be the easiest and trickiest as well. It depends on your preparation indeed. Therefore, you need to go with good books. Do you want to know what books do expert teachers, mentors and the LIC AAO Toppers recommend? Here, we are going to share –

  • MK Pandey’s “Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning” will also top the list because of its high valued content.
  • RS Aggarwal’s book named “Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning” is just outstanding since it brings detailed information to you.
  • The list will remain incomplete without adding the name of “Logical and Analytical Reasoning” 1st Edition in English by AK Gupta.
  • BS Sijwali and Indu Sijwal’s book known as “A New Approach To Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal 1st Edition” will also take your heart away as it will clear many doubts.
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Quantitative Aptitude – Toppers Recommend These 3 Books For LIC AAO

Does this type of exam can be expected without having a Quantitative Aptitude section? Moreover, the answer is NO. Though it is a bit tricky, interesting too. Whether it is the prelims or main exam, it is available in both exams. To get good at this section, you need to do regular practice as well as concentration. You should focus on regular practice. Talking about the best books recommended by the experts, it has been mentioned here such as –

  • Teachers also recommend “Quantitative Aptitude” written by R.S. Agarwal as it comes up with detailed information to take your knowledge to the next level
  • Quicker Mathematics by M.Tyra bringing a wide chunk of information to make you quite good in this section
  • To develop a strong grasp, you should also add “Advance Maths” written by Rakesh Yadav.

LIC AAO-English: Toppers Recommend These 4 Books

English Section has always been quite interesting as well as the easiest one to do. All you need to do is go with these good books to give a sharp edge to your entire preparation. Toppers also recommend making a good habit of reading English newspapers daily.

  • The first book on the list recommended by an expert is “Objective General English” written by SP Bakshi loaded with detailed information and knowledge.
  • To learn all the details regarding Grammar, you should buy “English Grammar” written by Wren and Martin. And there is one more, you may go with is “Essential English Grammar” by Raymond Murphy.
  • To enhance your vocabulary section, you must go with one of the best books named “Word Power Made Easy” written by Norman Lewis.
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Computer – Toppers Recommend These 2 Books 

Yes, you should not take this section lightly at all. You need to pay enough attention to this section’s preparation too. While doing preparation, you need to read carefully. Make short notes regarding important terms and new age terminology related to the computer world.

  • Buy “Lucent’s Computer books” to get in-depth knowledge and various information
  • Moreover, there is one of the best books called “Computer for Competitive Exams MCQs (English) written by R. Gupta to make your preparation the best.
  • Apart from it, you should make a habit to go through Technology columns published in the newspapers to get current information

General Awareness & Current Affairs: Toppers Say Yes To These Best Books

Do you know that the General Awareness section can truly make a huge difference? Therefore, you must pay more attention to prepare for this. It is regarded as a difficult section since it covers a wide spectrum. You need to understand the structure of the General Awareness as well as the Current Affairs. To get a good grasp on this at&t email login section, you should go with these books including –

  • Go ahead to buy “Lucent General Knowledge” bringing a huge chunk of information
  • Moreover, this one is obviously called “Manorama Year Book” and “Monthly Current Affairs Magazine”.
  • Do not forget to do your preparation going with NCERT Books Of
  • History,
  • Geography,
  • Political Science

In The Last:

So, what are you waiting for? Do buy these books to start your preparation to get a good score. You may also find out these online to download PDF or buy if not available online. Having good books means half of your preparation has been done since you will be going with standard study material.


Chetan Sharma is a blogger and digital marketer by profession. He handles a network of multiple websites like teacher text & various others. He helps clients all over the world to achieve digital seotooladda success.