Trademark Registration Online Process in India

Trademark Registration Online Process in India: Trademark registration is mandatory to provide products and services in business and visual symbols for business representation. Trademark in India is licensed by the Indian government, the general controller of patent design and trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Trademarks are registered under the trademark act of 1999 and provide the trademark owner with all right to sue for damages when infringements of trademarks occur.

Trademark Registration Online Process in India

Trademark Registration helps establish ownership and protect the brand value of an entity. Any person or entity can have a Trademark application in India. Arbitrary marks are the strongest category of trademarks that provide the strongest protection. Unique names and the visual symbol will help to boost chances for getting mark registered.

Trademark registration is based on the visual symbol, unique name, device, label or numerals used by business to represent its goods and services from the similar goods or services coming from the different businesses. Trademark is the national/regional standard of legal certainty, which enhances the rights holder’s position.

Trademark Registration protection lasts for TEN YEARS. The strength of your trademark depends on the category, and it is very important to design trademarks that offer stronger protection. On payment of additional fees, the trademark can be renewed undoubtedly. Trademark rights are private property and implemented regulations provide for defense.

Trademark Registration process:

The trademark registration process is a very important mechanism in the business to enrol the trademark logo, name, words, symbol, and hallmark by the legal right of exclusivity for use of the mark to the owner of the business.

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Trademark search will be information about the hire of the business to legal business and protect the business. A trademark search will give information about a similar trademark that has already been filed with the trademark registry.

Trademark filing is completed by submitting all the information to the court for the legalization and trademark by terms and conditions. The application for registration of the trademark must be made in the prescribed manner and filed along with the fee for trademark registration.

Trademark registration rules and filing process application must contain information:

  • Logo of trademark or hallmark of trademark
    • Name and address of trademark owner(unique)
    • Classification or trademark class (category)
    • Trademark used since the date (date of issue and expiry)
    • Description of the product or services

Trademark registration application can be filed and will be examined at one of the five Trademark Registrar Office having jurisdiction on the state or online.

The trademark registration process will take some days to examine and Vienna codification is a crucial step. The international classification which is present at your fill the application form. the trademark will be examined by the Trademark examiner officer under certain guidelines and procedures.

Trademark protection & law sue:
A registered Trademark is used by the other business or person can be sued by the law under section 29 of the trademark act 1999 who is not being registered by the proprietor of the trademark to register can take the action against the person or company in the court orders.

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Trademark protects the owner of the mark by ensuring the rights exclusively to use in to identify the goods and services or authorize to use it in return for payment…Trademark renewal must be filed before the date of the expiry of the mark.

As per trademark protection law, The Trademark used by the company and people by proper laws in the registered mark. A copy of the entire licensed mark with few additions and alternations is to be found on the Trademark.

Trademark is used as a shield in the possession of registered trademark or trademark holders to prohibit other merchants from using the registered owner’s label unlawfully.The Trademark renewal application form must be prepared and submitted filed before the deadline to enjoy lawful protection of the trademark without any chances of litigation in the court.

Trademark Rejection application:


The mains reason for trademark application rejection is based on the various symbol, names and filed to trademark application in the justice in the state or online. The trademark registration process takes place a long-duration anywhere between 9-15 months to know the final results and status of the filed trademark application.
The trademark registration application process takes such a long time and also have built many businesses to begin building a brand around the world while making their trademark application is still pending the right to use the generic term exclusively.

• 1. proper filing the application about the trademark application (name, symbol, logo, flags) and the name with similar category other business.
• 2. The application has offensive or violates terms with an existing registered trademark. Having the two identical trademark is contrary to the intellectual property rules
• 3. The symbol and logo have a similar mark with names with deceptive trademark also get rejected in the trademark.
• 4. The application is rejected by symbols of governments and ideal organizations made violation of terms and also protected national treasure under comes the same regulation.

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