How to Tidy Up Your Emails?

Despite social media being the optimal location for online marketing, email is still a popular tactic for companies to use to try and entice you to engage with their brand. Factor in the countless spam emails about winnings from a lottery you never entered, women in your area wanting to meet you, and who knows what else, your email inbox could start looking very cluttered. Not to mention that a few malicious email scams could be sent your way, too, making it hard to find those important and urgent messages from colleagues, clients, or friends.

However, below are some useful tips to help you keep your emails neat and tidy:

  • Stop ‘Opting In’

The best way to reduce the number of adverts and irritating newsletters in your emails is to stop opting in for them in the first place. When signing up for a new service or purchasing a new product, pay attention to the boxes you’re ticking when you checkout. Usually, under the terms and conditions tick box, there’s one asking if you’d like to receive emails. Untick this box, as it will ensure that you don’t get flooded with offers that you don’t want.

This can also happen when physically shopping in a store. A lot of retailers like sending you digital receipts to reduce their use of paper to help the environment. However, once they get your email to allow them to do this, they’ll also put that address on their automated newsletter system, so that they can send you deals and keep you in their funnel. The best thing to do is to ask for a paper receipt and recycle it responsibly yourself.

  • Delete Phishing Emails

Phishing emails are fraudulent emails designed to encourage you to pass over key data like login details or financial information. To the untrained eye, they can be particularly hard to spot, as they imitate respectable organizations such as banks. They word their messages to make them seem urgent, usually claiming that your account has been breached and needs your login details to make it secure.


To help protect you, note that most banks won’t ask for your details over email, so if that’s the case, delete these messages. In addition, if you want to check if these alerts are genuine, log into your accounts through the official means. Never use an email link.

If your inboxes are particularly flooded with these types of emails, and you want to minimize how many you receive, there are various phishing solutions like anti-phishing protection from FWI that can help keep you protected from these attacks.

  • Use Email Sorting Features

The majority of email providers have a tool to help you sort different emails into different folders. You can arrange it so that emails from certain senders aren’t sent straight into your inbox, instead of being filed to specific folders that you can even label to keep things organized.

With this, you can direct marketing messages from retailers to one folder and messages from work colleagues and clients to another, helping to keep everything neat and easy to navigate. Just make sure to check your folders regularly, as some emails may be misdirected.

  • Empty Spam Regularly

Most email providers automatically sort what they believe to be unimportant, unneeded emails into a spam folder, and there are many different factors that make emails considered spam. However, these emails are still stored on the email software and aren’t automatically deleted, meaning that these folders can build up extremely quickly. A good way to remove a lot of your emails at once is to regularly empty your spam folder.

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Some email software allows you to set a recurring timeframe for when the folder is emptied, with a good timeframe being every two weeks. Make sure to check the folders before they’re emptied, though, to ensure that you don’t delete any important emails that may have been mistakenly sent there.

By admin