Here are the probabilities of why you are here:
- You are tired of spending money on the overly-hyped colostomy covers that never raise a needle.
- You just want to try your DIY skills while making homemade quality covers on the side.
- Some extra fabrics are laying around in the house and you’d like to put them to good use.
Whichever the case may be, you are in the right place.
Right here, I will share with you the step-by-step guide on how to make DIY colostomy bag covers.
On the side, if you have not lost all the hopes on comfy, functional, and high-quality brand-made colostomy bag covers just yet, check out these colostomy bag covers by Stealth Belt.
Without much ado, let’s get to work!
First thing first…
Materials And Instruments Needed
Here are the materials and instruments you must have to make quality DIY covers for your colostomy bag.
- Matching threads
- 100% cotton or any other soft, lightweight fabric
- Bias tape (double-fold)
- Material for making patterns ( paper, for example)
- A second front layer (silky fabric is great)
- A sewing machine
- Garment steamer or iron for ironing
- Scissors
- Pins
- Marking tools
- A measuring tape to take measurements
- Your ostomy bag for tracing purposes
You have got them all in front of you now? Great.
Let’s work.
Instructions For Making Homemade Colostomy Bag Covers
- Step One; Making Front And Back Pattern Pieces: deflate your ostomy bag if it’s available, and make it flat. With the front pattern down, place it on your tracing paper to trace the edges of it out using your marking tools (a pencil or a pen is okay).
Add 1/2inch to the traced out edges. Proceed to trace out the edges of the flange opening also and add 1/8inch to the tracing. Finally, cut out ONLY the marked tracing of the deflated bag, NOT the tracing of the flange opening. Get it? Good.
Now you have your frontal piece. To make the back pattern, take the created front pattern and trace it out on your paper. Add 2inch to the bottom of it and cut where it reaches the opening drain of your bag. Finally, trace out and cut out the flange opening.
- Step 2; Cutting The Pattern: now that you have your tracings cut out in paper each, the next thing you want to do is transfer them to your fabric. Just spread out your fabric and then lay your paper cutouts on it flatly. After that, hold the cutouts (the front, back, and the opening) in place using pins. Once held fast, cut your fabric into the three shapes (front, back, and opening).
- Step 3; Sew The Flange Opening: zigzag stitch the edge of the flange opening and enclose with your double-fold bias tape.
- Step 4; lay the front and back section on top of one another. Place the edge under your sewing machine and sew round carefully.
Yay! There you have your self-made colostomy bag cover.