Signs drive customers to your store. It is the first thing that customers notice. Thus, your sign must create a good impression. Keep in mind that first impressions will stick in the mind of your target audience. Your sign will motivate them to visit your store, or they will ignore it and walk on by.

Top 3 Signage Strategies to Increase Foot Traffic in Your Physical Store

A design that never fails is something eye-catching with bright colours and vibrant graphics. However, make sure you choose a simple design for effective results. Fortunately, it is easier to manufacture your physical sign with state-of-the-art technology. You may want to hire digital signage services to get the best interpretation of your design using current technology in signage.

Uncluttered designs

Effective signage can communicate the message concisely. Utilise as few words as possible. An overcrowded sign with too many words and lines makes it unreadable, especially from a distance.

Remember to use white space. It is the area of a design that has no text or graphics. The white pace can be a block of colour. The empty space is as crucial as the text and graphics itself since it allows these elements to pop out.

There is no need to fill up every available space. The crowded text becomes more difficult to read. Remember to apply the 30-40% rule. These areas should be white space for better readability.

Types and fonts

Overall a design that is crisp and easy-to-read should be utilised for optimum legibility. Most commercial fonts will have varying styles. You can choose from regular to bold as well as black. Utilise these to accentuate certain parts of your signage.

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There is a wrong notion that capital letters are larger than lowercase. Because of this, designers assume that they are easier to read from a distance. But based on visual test studies, a mixture of upper and lower case produces optimum results rather than utilising uppercase letters alone. Keep in mind that your audience will only have a few seconds to scan your message. Thus, increase the readability of your sign from afar by not utilising capital letters.

It is crucial never to utilise more than two fonts on a single design. You have the option of using fonts that complement each other to make your message more legible and unique. In any design, you choose, make sure it is legible from afar.


Select high contrast colours to grab the attention of passersby instantly. It can get read quickly. A classic choice is black and white for maximum effect. You can apply different designs, such as having a box or a rounded rectangle around the text. It gives a richer contrast with the headline popping out and smaller details to support the main message.

Take note that colours convey meaning. You can leverage this to enhance your message without utilising too many texts. Red signifies danger and emergencies while yellow means proceed with caution. Choose the best colour to emphasise and enhance the meaning of your sign. Digital signage has vivid colours that are long-lasting and will not fade under harsh weather conditions. Choose from available signage technology such as LED, neon, and vinyl.


Although online shopping has caused a seismic shift in the market, many people still visit physical stores. According to data, 90% per cent of purchases happen in physical stores. It is a mind-boggling number that only validates that physical stores will not be overtaken soon. Thus, you must utilise a well-designed sign to maximise your presence and attract shoppers and visitors to your store.

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