Overhead Cranes

Today, we will be talking about five common problems with Cranes and how to solve them. You can also check here for quality crane service.

5 Common Problems with Overhead Cranes and How to Avoid Them

  • Problem 1: Damaged Wire Rope

Look out for frayed, kinked, or broken wire rope. Reduced diameter, broken or worn outside wires, corroded or broken end-connections.

People aren’t just looking before their left or before every shift. They’re just used to walking in, grabbing the controls and making the hoist go up.

Viper WRL Australia , you can see frayed, kinked, or broken wire rope. You will also see that their diameter has narrowed a bit because you might have lost your corroded support.

There are several things you can do to identify these in time, but if you are not taking your time to do the pre-work inspection, that puts you in a very dangerous position.

  • Problem 2: Train Skew and Alignment Issues

Typically, your overhead crane operator will notice these issues first. If there is a loud scratching, thumping, or grinding or loud crashing of a bridge beam, or it is taking more power to operate the crane. Or it is dragging or pulling in position.

There is a different thing that can lead to that. However, if your crane skews or causes alignment issues, it can lead to an accident which consequently will bring massive downtimes or expensive repairs, the best action is to bring in a third party inspection company to test out your entire crane system.

  • Problem 3: Excessive Wear to End Truck Wheels

So your wheels are going to wear out, there is no way around that. However, if you notice premature wheel wear, premature wear on your bearings or premature wear on your flanges.

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There might be some kind of issues with skewing your tracking. Now the best way you can come over that is to bring in an inspection company to avoid further complications and to save time or money.

Problem 4: Electrification System Issues

When you are messing with electricity, you have to make sure that you have exactly who should be working on that system.

So if you are having issues like several blown fuses, pendant or radio control issues, or issues with your conductors, the best is to bring in a third party inspection company or a crane technician.

  • Problem 5: Bent or Damaged Hooks

All the hook is supposed to do is hold the load in place to a specific destination in a specific position. Now if anything happens to that hook.

If it is damaged, cracked, it is bent, stretched or warped. It compromises the integrity of that hook. Everybody knows warehouse is in jeopardy, so the best cause for that is to make sure that at every shift, somebody looks at that hook to make sure it is safe and rightly placed.

  • Use your overhead crane at specified capacity: If you are maxing your crane capacity, you are going to have a lot of downtime and cost repair expenses.
  • Consider the environment in which the overhead crane will operate: Take time to consider where you will be using your crane if it is on the coast or in the and area.

Others are inspecting your cranes regularly and following the manufacturer’s menu.

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