Best SEO Strategies

 The city of Perth focuses on the growth of technology, entrepreneurial, and innovative sectors. A majority of Western Australia businesses are into construction, technical, rental, hiring, and real estate services.

Outrank Your Competitors with These SEO Strategies

According to the Small Business Development Corporation, 78% of the small-scale businesses of WA are in Perth. But only a handful of these organisations have optimised websites.

An SEO agency in Perth states if your visibility is weak, the customers will not be able to approach you. The competitors will have a free way to capture the entire market, and you won’t even get to create a niche if your website is not optimised for search engines.

If you wish to get ahead of your competitors, then carry out a thorough competitive analysis and incorporate the following SEO strategies.

Identify your Competitors

It is necessary to research to learn who your competitors are. Many of them won’t have an online presence, but you still have to fight offline and online competitors.

 Proving your worth against the online competitors is easy and tough at the same time. All you need to do is understand how your competitors operate. Amazon Australia and eBay Australia are among the top competitors in the eCommerce sector. The estimated monthly traffic on Amazon (Aus.) is 22.5 million visits, and on eBay (Aus.), it is 69.6 million visits.

Publish Quality Content

According to Australia Post, the Australians spent $27.5 billion to buy goods online in 2018-19. The conversion rate soars when you have quality information on your website. The content you create and publish should be relevant to your products and services.

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Also, consistency is the key to optimised web pages. The search engines will rank your website only if you have fresh and quality content in your posts. When you frequently update your website, you will be ranked higher on SERPs more consistently.

People often click on the sites that appear first, and if you could manage to engage them with your content, then the chances of conversion rate will increase by 85%.

Embed Videos in your Content

Visual representation is one of the most promising ways to lure traffic to your website. Create educational content and embed it into your content; this will also let the web crawlers push you on a higher rank in SERPs. The best idea is to post a video on YouTube and link it to your website.

Also, add a descriptive note below the video, to make the search engines look for the keywords. In 2006, Google acquired YouTube, and since then, the search engines have been pushing the websites that include videos and descriptive content on their web pages to the top.

Find your Competitors’ Keywords and PPC Effort

The Australian eCommerce market value will be $35.2 billion by 2021. According to an SEO agency in Perth, eCommerce works solely on how frequently the products are updated and how consistently the relevant content is published. It is necessary to learn how your competitors use the keywords.

Many competitors also use the strategy of PPC (Pay per click) ads. You can gain insights into those PPC efforts and integrate the same in your SEO strategy. There is nothing wrong with copying the strategy of your competitors because almost everybody follows similar SEO tactics.

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Leverage the Power of Social Media

The more you interact with your customers, the more they’ll return to your website. Social media is a platform that allows many local businesses as well as corporate hubs to communicate with their clients and customers. People on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn love sharing and posting articles that they find fascinating.

About 84% of the Australian people in the age group of 25-30 are ardent social media users. If you use this statistic, you can easily target the untapped market through online community building.

Make the Website Mobile-friendly

Around 18.44 million people in Australia use smartphones for shopping online. If you want to outrank your competitors, you have to optimise your website for mobile usage. You also have to ensure the loading speed of the website is no more than 1 second. Or else, the bounce rate may increase, and you may lose a lot of organic crowds.

Mobile commerce is a global phenomenon and will continue to flourish in the coming years. Mobile ads and social media play an essential role in triggering purchase interest among users. So, upgrade your website for the mobile users and push the rank on SERPs. It will help you in garnering more traffic and keeping the competitors behind.

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